Who We Are: Presbyterian
Presbyterian simply means rule by elders.
Elders are given by Jesus to exercise Jesus’ authority in the church. Our church is overseen by a group of qualified men who meet Scripture’s qualifications according to 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5. These elders are joined in the work of the church by deacons, qualified men whom Jesus has given to serve the needs of the church and the community. We see their qualifications given in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3.
In addition to the local church, presbyterian also speaks of the connectedness of the church of Jesus Christ. Our local church joins with other churches to form a presbytery, where local elders and pastors from various churches join together to provide counsel and accountability for those local churches. The various presbyteries then send representatives from each presbytery to a General Assembly that meets once a year. The General Assembly acts as a final arbiter in adjudicating various matters in presbyteries.
Our local church is part of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. To learn more concerning our denomination, click here.